Compressing Games to CHD

CHD stands for “Compressed Hunks of Data” and is developed as part of the tools for MAME. It is an awesome format for storing your game ROMs and keeping the size in control, in this post we explore this format and my success in using it across variety of emulators. Installing chdman The tool used to create and work with chd files is known as chdman and is a part of the MAME tools....

April 8, 2024 · 6 min

Writing a CHIP-8 Interpreter

I’ve always been interested in emulators and writing an emulator has been in my bucket list for a long time. I think they are a great exercise and the experience you get from them is invaluable. Introduction to CHIP-8 So I decided to write an “emulator” for CHIP-8 programs. In fact it should be called an “interpreter” because the CHIP-8 was never actually a real hardware, it was more like a small programming language for creating games that some old PCs supported running....

April 4, 2023 · 24 min

Running fbx-conv on Android

I’m a bit dedicated to getting libGDX fully usable on Android that I created the template libgdx-termux it can use libGDX and build .apk files, all using only Termux. I’m still continuing to bring more functionalities to make game development complete on Android. And for today I bring you fbx-conv which is a converter utility by the libGDX team to convert 3D models into a more runtime-friendly format optimized for libGDX....

May 28, 2022 · 5 min