Brainfuck is a tiny language that includes only 8 simple commands, writing an interpreter for it is easy and is often seen as a simple programming exercise.
Let’s write one in Python today.
Reading files
First of all I’ll write a simple base to load the file given on the command line, for this I usually like to use Python’s builtin ArgumentParser
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
def run(instructions: str):
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Interpret Brainfuck code")
parser.add_argument("input", help="Input file")
args = parser.parse_args()
file = Path(args.input).read_text()
Assuming we save the file to
we can run it with python
is our input file to interpret.
For the rest of the post we will focus on implementing the run
function where we will actually execute our program.
Executing Brainfuck
So brainfuck consists of 8 simple commands, let’s explore what they do.
The main idea in brainfuck is that we have a region of memory that are split into what’s known as cells and we have about 30,000 cells to use. Each cell is basically a number, about a byte long.
In python I will simply represent this as a giant list filled with zeroes initially so we write:
def run(instructions: str):
cells = [0] * 30_000
This will create a list of 0 repeated 30,000 times so we have enough elements.
Any other lines of code I show will also be inside the run
function so I will not repeat that anymore.
Next we need a cell pointer, a way to identify which cell we are currently operating on so we create one and initially set it to the first cell, this is an index to the cells array:
cur_cell = 0
Next we also need to identify which instruction we are currently executing, basically where in the program are we currently on which is traditionally known as a program counter or an instruction counter often abbreviated as pc and ip respectively.
pc = 0
This will be an index to our instructions list, which as you may have noticed I kept as a string but it may as well could’ve been a list but strings can also be indexed just fine and I kept it simple.
That’s all we need to start for now, let’s actually start running code:
while pc != len(instructions):
In this simple condition we create a loop that keeps running until the program counter is at the end of the program meaning there are no more instructions to be ran so we stop.
Let’s fill the loop with something to do, from here on the code is to be indented inside the while loop:
command = instructions[pc]
First we use the pc to index into the instructions to get our current instruction or command, the one we have to execute now.
Next let’s match the command and act accordingly, this is a great chance to use the match
statement introduced in Python 3.10:
match command:
case "...":
case "...":
pc += 1
This is how a match/case statement looks like, it has arms for each condition we check and code to execute to act on it, so let’s fill it with meaningful code and for that we have to actually start tackling the instructions available in brainfuck and what they mean.
Notice that at the end of the match we also increment our program counter so we can move on to the next instruction on the next iteration of the loop.
The first instruction is easy, it is +
which stands for increment the current cell, so whatever cell our cur_cell
is pointing to we have to add one to it, this is easy:
case "+":
cells[cur_cell] += 1
Next is also another easy one, -
which as you could guess just does the opposite, decrement instead:
case "-":
cells[cur_cell] -= 1
And next there are instructions to move the cell pointer, our cur_cell
variable, they are <
and >
case "<":
cur_cell -= 1
case ">":
cur_cell += 1
All right, we are done with 4 commands so far and those were the easy ones, next let’s tackle I/O or input/output.
So how can brainfuck even print anything? I don’t see any letters, the idea is that it uses ASCII numbers, since cells are numbers we then have a command to take the current cell and interpret that number as an ASCII letter to print, that command is called .
case ".":
This takes the value to our current cell and passes it to chr()
which can create a character given a number, we then write it to standard output using sys.stdout.write
the reason we didn’t use print
is because it’d print a newline and brainfuck usually prints letter by letter instead of having the concept of printing a full string, if we used print we’d see each letter in a new line, and although print has arguments to disable the end character it’s easier to just directly write to the standard output like this.
By now we have something fairly usable, you can create a
file and write in it:
That is 65 characters of +
meaning it makes the cell store the number 65 and then we interpret it as ASCII which stands for the letter A
and print it using .
So if everything is done right you can run python
and it’ll print A
Next let’s tackle the input part of the I/O, brainfuck has a command called ,
which is used to receive one letter of input and store it inside the current cell so we just do:
case ",":
cells[cur_cell] = ord(
Here we used
to read one byte worth of input from the standard input and and passed it to ord
which kind of does the opposite of chr
it instead takes a letter and gives us the number equivalent so we can store it in our cells.
Now with I/O done there’s one last section left and is the slightly harder part of this exercise.
The last remaining commands are [
and ]
which play a role in jumping around the code, this is sort of like a basic while
loop for brainfuck.
The way these works is that:
checks if current cell is 0, if so skip all code until the next]
imagine awhile (0) {}
the code in the braces would not run.]
checks if the current cell is not 0, then it goes back to the starting pair[
So this gets a little confusing as we need to keep track of positions so we can know where to jump.
Hey how does jumping even work? That one is simple, since we have a pc
variable pointing on where in the code we are executing, simply by changing the pc
variable to point to another part of the code we just jumped to that part.
So for keeping track of the positions I like to do a pass on the code before we execute anything to calculate all the positions of the [
s and ]
s and produce a jump table, a dictionary that maps each [
s to their ]
s and likewise each ]
s to their [
For that we have another function:
def compute_jump_table(instructions: str) -> dict[int, int]:
Computes a jump-table for associating the braces with their start and end positions.
So for example if [ is seen at position 47 and it's ending is seen at position 80,
the jump table will have { 47: 80, 80: 47 }, allowing either of them to know the position of the other end.
bracemap = {}
stack = []
for index, char in enumerate(instructions):
if char == "[":
elif char == "]":
start = stack.pop()
bracemap[start] = index
bracemap[index] = start
return bracemap
Here I kept a simple stack
because these []
pairs can nest within one another and a stack just felt the right way to properly keep track of them, hopefully you can understand that part.
Back to the run function at the very top of it we calculate the jump table:
jump_table = compute_jump_table(instructions)
Now it’s easy, just checking for the zero conditions as mentioned and we need to do the jump we just change pc to whatever this table maps the pc to, just watch:
case "[":
if cells[cur_cell] == 0:
pc = jump_table[pc]
case "]":
if cells[cur_cell] != 0:
pc = jump_table[pc]
And with that we have officially implemented all eight commands of brainfuck and we should be able to run pretty much any code out there.
Let’s try a Hello, World, here’s an example from Wikipedia, put this into
And run python
and if everything goes well it should print out Hello World!
how exciting!
I hope you learned something new, I’ve also uploaded the final code to a GitHub Gist here so you can see the complete program.
Writing a Brainfuck interpreter is a great exercise and I recommend trying to do this on a different language that you may be learning, it also teaches the basic structure of a virtual machine with the concepts like program counter and such which some of the real programming languages that execute on a virtual machine also uses similar concepts.